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ТОО "Nova Invest" оказывает амбулаторно-поликлиническую помощь прикрепленному населению 3 районов: Алматинской области с.Чапаево, с. Кызыл Кайрат, с.Достык, с.Масак
Нур-Султан, Жаһанша Досмұхамедұлы, 24
+7 (7172) 64‒78‒94
Застрахованные пациенты:
— регулярные плательщики взносов и отчислений за ОСМС
— 15 льготных категорий граждан (взносы платит государство)
Незастрахованные пациенты
Неплательщики взносов и отчислений за ОСМС:
— неработающие и незарегистрированные в качестве безработных
— имеющие задолженность по взносам и отчислениям
— лица в льготных категориях или освобожденные от уплаты взносов на ОСМС, за которых некорректно были внесены данные в информационные системы
— работающие, имеющие задолженность по вине недобросовестных работодателей или за прошедший период
— нелегальные трудовые мигранты из стран ЕАЭС (Армения, Кыргызстан, Беларусь, РФ)
— неработающие беременные женщины, не вставшие на учет по беременности
Лет успешного опыта
As you know, primary health care is the place of first contact of the population with health services. The primary health care system provides medical care to the attached population. The importance of primary health care for the population is determined by the high accessibility of medical care, the possibility of obtaining qualified examination and treatment without hospitalization, and often without being released from work or study.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
At the same time, primary care services should be accessible to all, including those who live in rural and remote areas. Primary PHC services included care for patients with mental health problems, maternal and child health, reproductive health, dental health, rehabilitation, and disease prevention. However, the rural population does not have equal access to health care and medical services, particularly specialized and rarely used services, than the urban population.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Наша компания ставит своей целью обеспечение качественными амбулаторно поликлиническими обслуживанием, прежде всего сельского населения нашей страны. Наш коллектив прикладывает все усилия чтобы прикрепленное население наших сельских центров семейного здоровья получали достойное обслуживание в надлежащих условиях.
Повышение доступности медицинской помощи сельскому населению, проживающему в отдаленных и труднодоступных районах, является важнейшей задачей, и мы очень горды, тем что вносим свой посильный вклад для реализации этой не простой, но очень необходимой цели!
director general
Kassymbekova Karlygash
ТОО "NOVA INVEST" оказывает амбулаторно-поликлиническую помощь прикрепленному населению 3 районов Алматинской области:
с.Чапаево, с. Кызыл Кайрат, с.Достык, с.Масак
Прикрепленному населению проводятся такие диагностические услуги, как ультразвуковая диагностика всех органов, УЗДГ сосудов, ЭХОКГ, нейросонография, кардиотокография плода, холтеровское мониторирование ЭКГ, суточный мониторинг АД,
а так же физиотерапевтические процедуры и массаж.
In order to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care to the rural population in our centers, we organized consultative and diagnostic assistance of profile specialists:
A neurologist (neurologist) deals with the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, some pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which affect the functioning of the CNS.
A cardiologist is a doctor who treats patients with such diseases as heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmia, tachycardia), congenital and acquired heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension; he also sees patients after heart attacks and strokes, deals with prevention of these conditions and selects treatment for patients with high cholesterol and already diagnosed atherosclerosis. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
An endocrinologist deals with diseases related to deficiencies, excesses, or abnormalities of hormones, as well as structural diseases of the endocrine glands. For example, endocrinologists treat diseases associated with thyroid hormone deficiency and with an excess of thyroid hormones, dealing with disorders of its structure when it is functioning normally (enlargement, nodules, tumors).
A gynecologist is a doctor who deals with the female reproductive system. His main goals and objectives are: Conducting periodic systematic monitoring of the reproductive system of women of childbearing age Diagnosis of diseases and detection of changes in the organs in his or her care Treatment of detected pathologies
An ophthalmologist treats diseases of the eye - both refractive disorders affecting visual acuity and all kinds of pathologies and eye infections. In addition, the ophthalmologist may perform surgical treatments. In some cases, an ophthalmologist may refer patients to related specialists.
The ENT, or otolaryngologist, treats any disease of the nose, throat, or ears. He or she also treats the other organs. This specialist is seen for angina, sinusitis, meningitis, otitis media, and many other diseases and pathologies. For example, in the case of a deviated nasal septum.
Хирург – специалист, который занимается болезнями, требующими хирургического вмешательства. В работе этого врача применяются методы лечения, в большинстве случаев нарушающие цельность кожного покрова. При диагностике в хирургии чаще всего используется ультразвуковое исследование, ректороманоскопия, эндоскопия.
A urologist is a doctor who provides diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Both women and men can make an appointment to see him. Specialists provide comprehensive medical care for disorders of the ureters, bladder, kidneys and urethra.
is a doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the teeth, jaws, and maxillofacial region in general. ... The main job duties of a dentist are: Receiving and treating patients; Conducting preventive examinations and oral health care; Keeping medical records.
A rehabilitation therapist is a specialist in rehabilitation therapy. He or she provides rehabilitation to patients who have partially or completely lost the ability to perform certain functions as a result of an injury, illness, or surgery.
A dermatologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats skin diseases. A dermatologist also treats diseases of the nails and hair.
Consultative reception of patients. Treatment of patients in the outpatient or inpatient clinic. Conducting examinations and analysis of results. Patients with pathology of the digestive system, participation in medical examinations of the population.